Causes, symptoms and more on sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a concerning sleep-related disorder, wherein breathing stops and begins. If you snore heavily and feel tired despite sleeping the whole night, probably you may be suffering from sleep apnea. This condition is of three types, which include obstructive, central, and complex sleep apnea syndrome.

Types of sleep apnea and their causes

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
    It is quite a common form of sleep apnea. In this condition, the muscles situated in the back region of your throat ease up. These muscles aid the tongue, the sidewalls of the throat, the tonsils, the soft palate, and the uvula, which is the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate. Your airway narrows or shuts when you breathe in. So, you cannot get adequate oxygen, due to which the oxygen content in your blood reduces. Your brain gets an indication that you are incapable of breathing. It wakes you up from sleep so that you can open your airway. Usually, this span of being awake is relatively short, and you do not remember it. In obstructive sleep apnea, you might gasp, choke, or snort. This can repeat every hour, anywhere between five minutes and half an hour throughout the night, due to which you are unable to get deep sleep.
  • Central sleep apnea
    In this disorder, the brain is unable to transmit signs to the breathing muscles. Here, you do not take any effort to breathe for a brief duration. You may have a tough time staying asleep or getting sleep. Or, you may end up waking up with shortness of breath.
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome
    This condition occurs when you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea as well as central sleep apnea. It is also referred to as treatment-emergent sleep apnea.

Signs of obstructive sleep apnea

The main indications of this sleep disorder include headaches, sexual dysfunction, regular night-time urination, night sweats, mood disturbances like anxiety or depression, snoring, irritability, forgetfulness, trouble in focusing, sore throat or dry mouth while waking up, suddenly awakening with a feeling of choking or gasping, being awake frequently during the night, feeling restless while sleeping, and fatigue or daytime sleepiness.

Signs of central sleep apnea

If you have this condition, you may experience a gasping or choking sensation while waking up. Moreover, you may witness insomnia and wake up frequently.

Treatment options

  • Therapies
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine
    It is the most reliable and common way of treating obstructive sleep apnea. While you sleep, a CPAP machine pushes a stream of air through a mask that you can wear. It keeps the airways open, helps you in snoring less and sleeping more.
  • Supplemental oxygen
    You can use supplemental oxygen during sleep can prove helpful if you have central sleep apnea. Different types of oxygen can be used to transmit oxygen to your lungs.
  • Treatment for related medical issues
    Neuromuscular or heart disorders lead to sleep apnea. So, treating these problems may help.
  • Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-PAP) machine
    A Bi-PAP machine functions in the same way as a CPAP machine. However, it does not give constant pressure like a CPAP. Some patients may have difficulty in exhaling constant pressure through a CPAP machine. Bi-PAP gives less air while breathing out.
  • Adapto Servo Ventilation (ASV) machine
    An ASV machine adapts and adjusts airflow as per your breathing.
  • Surgeries
    Doctors recommend surgery only when other treatment methods fail. A few surgical options include tracheostomy, nerve stimulation, implants, jaw repositioning, tissue shrinkage, and tissue removal.

Natural remedies

  • Stop smoking and drinking
  • Alter the sleeping position
  • Practice yoga
  • Use a humidifier and oral appliances
  • Maintain a healthy weight


  • Foods to eat
    Consume whole grains like cereals and bread, low-fat dairy products, plant-based oils, and vegetables and fruits.
  • Foods to avoid
    Refrain from eating refined carbs, high-fat meats, high-fat dairy, and bananas.