Skin cancer – Symptoms, treatment options, and diet

Skin cancer is caused when abnormal skin cells develop and start multiplying uncontrollably. The condition can be triggered due to various reasons, such as exposure to the sun’s UV light and a family history of skin cancer. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help manage the disease. This article discusses its symptoms, diet, and treatment options.

If one notices any of the following signs, they should seek appropriate medical help immediately as it could be a sign of skin cancer:

  • Unusual skin growth: A mole or growth that changes size, color, or shape
  • Dark lesions: Dark-colored lesions on different parts of the body like the palms, toes, nose, and mouth
  • Lesions with irregular borders: Small lesions with pink, red, blue, or bluish-black borders
  • Unusual moles: Moles that bleed, itch, or hurt could be a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer.
  • Brown spots: Large brown spots on the skin with dark speckles

Treatment options
Cancer treatment usually depends on the size, intensity, and type of the condition. Treatments for smaller cancers may not need extensive forms of treatment. Here are some common procedures for skin cancer:

  • Chemotherapy
    In this method, heavy doses of medication are used to destroy cancer cells in the body. For skin cancer, there is also a lotion-like medication to be used directly on the skin.
  • Cryotherapy
    After eliminating most of the skin growth, doctors may scrape off any leftover matter with a circular blade in this procedure. Liquid nitrogen may also be used on the base or edges of the treated area.
  • Radiation therapy
    Radiation therapy kills cancer cells using high-powered energy beams. This therapy is usually carried out when surgery fails to kill or eradicate all cancer cells.
  • Photodynamic therapy
    In this method, medications that reduce skin cells’ light sensitivity are provided. Following that, a laser is used to kill these cells.
  • Freezing
    When affected with early skin cancer, doctors may use liquid nitrogen to freeze cancerous cells. The dead tissues peel off automatically once they thaw.
  • Mohs surgery
    This procedure is generally conducted for cancers that are relatively harder to treat. In Mohs surgery, the doctor removes layers of the patient’s skin one at a time while examining it under a microscope until no cancerous cells are left.

Diet to prevent skin cancer
Healthy foods and certain supplements can help reduce skin cancer risk. Antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients don’t just help one steer clear of cancer but also keep other diseases at bay. Nutrients to include in the diet for skin cancer prevention are:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
    Omega-3 fatty acids contain chemicals that reduce inflammation caused due to skin cancer. Foods like salmon, mackerel, walnuts, and flax seeds are some excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Polyphenols
    Present in tea, polyphenols contain antioxidants that help the skin repair itself from UV damage. Green tea, especially, has proven to be very useful in preventing skin cancer.
  • Vitamins C, D, and E
    Vitamins C, D, and E benefit the body in different ways. Vitamin C enhances the immune system’s function, vitamin D boosts bone-building, and vitamin E absorbs UV light energy and stabilizes the skin. Citrus fruits, leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and seeds are rich in these vitamins.
  • Beta Carotene
    Diets rich in beta carotene reduce the risk of certain cancers. It also boosts the functionality and efficiency of the immune system.
  • Zinc
    Even a little increase in daily zinc intake can keep one’s immune system in check and enhance DNA repair. Foods rich in zinc are shellfish, chickpeas, black beans, and hummus.